

Schedule for 3rd Seminar, Renxin Assoication


Date: Sat, May, 30th, 2015


Time: 13:00~17:00


Venue: 002 Meeting Room, Sanjo Kaikan, Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo

Attendants: 30 persons
轮值主席:唐淼博士 东京医科齿科大学难治疾患研究所

President: TANG Miao, M.D. , Ph.D (MRI, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
参会费用:1000日元/人 (学生500日元/人)

Fee: 1000 Yen/person (student: 500 Yen/person)



Application: Reservation is required.Reservation fee should be paid on that day.

[Notes] Due to limited seats ,reservation fee won’t be paid back for any kind of cancellation or absence. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

联系人:梁冰霏博士 lbf0201@gmail.com

Contact: Dr. LIANG Binfei, lbf0201@gmail.com

===流程 Schedule ===
13:00~13:30 签到并交费(请准备至少两张名片,届时一张将放在胸牌内,用完可回收,另一张交给工作人员)

Registration(At least two business cards are needed. One for nameplate and another giving to staff)
13:30~14:00 主持人:唐淼博士 东京医科齿科大学难治疾患研究所

Session Chair: Dr. TANG Miao (MRI, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)


Self-introduction of attendants (limited to 15 persons). 2 minutes for each person.


14:00~14:40 主持人:待定

Session Chair: To be announced

【会员报告 Member Report】

  1. 张延昭先生(東京医科歯科大学病毒制御学 国立感染症研究所感染病理部博士四年),


Mr. ZHANG Yanzhao (Ph. D. candidate in National Institute of Infections Diseases, Department of Pathology Laboratory of Molecular Pathology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University),

“The lord of evolution,Human or Virus?Row played by retrovirus”.


14:40~15:20 主持人:待定

Session Chair: To be announced

【会员报告 Member Report】

  1. 浅川哲也博士(国立大学法人浜松医科大学 脳神経外科 こころ予防医学センター副教授)


ASAKAWA Tetsuya, M.D., Ph. D. (Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine)

“Rehabilitation in China, our dream and the actuality”



15:20~15:30 休息 Break
15:30~16:00 主持人:梁冰霏博士(EPS株式会社)


Self-introduction by the other half attendants. 2 minutes for each person.


16:00~16:40 主持人:待定

Seession Chair: To be announced

【会员报告 Member Report】

  1. 黄莺博士(安永日本 执行总监 中国业务负责人),


Dr. HUANG Ying, (Executive Director, Chinese Business Group Leader, EY Japan),

“PROMOTION CODE: Overview of The Promotion Code and Structure,Practice in China and Japan”


16:40~16:50 自由发言,填写调查问卷

Free comment and fill anquet.

16:50~17:00 一齐清理后离场,场外合影

Clean meeting room and take group photo

17:30~22:00 聚餐

Social hours




Business casual


Eating and any kind of recording are prohibited.


Acknowledgement: Prof. Dr. GUO Yunlong, (Associate Professor,Chinese Academy of Sciences; Research Fellow, The University of Tokyo)


Address: The center part of Hongo campus; 1-5-45 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo





Hongo-sanchome station,Marunouchi line and Oedo line;

Todaimae satation, Namboku line;

Nezu and Yushima station, Chiyoda line.


Parking: It’s free to park on the slope in front of Sanjo Kaikan.