



法人名  特定非営利活動法人 仁心会

代表者名 劉 超 博士

問合わせ   唐 淼 教授









厳 浩 (げん こう)






生年月日 1962年 中国江蘇省生まれ

略  歴 1979年 天津大学入学(半導体物理)

1981年 山梨大学留学 (計算機科学)

1991年 EPS(株)創業 代表取締役社長

1993年 東京大学博士課程修了(医学統計)

2001年 EPS(株)がジャスダック上場

2006年 EPS(株)が東証1部上場






严浩先生长期担任日本中华总商会会长,并任日本著名上市公司–EPS控股株式会社的代表取缔役会长。1991年严浩创立EPS公司, 2001年成为日本第一家上市的CRO企业。今天的EPS集团已是一个拥有4000多名员工的东证一部上市企业。大约有3500名日本员工就职于该企业。





No. 2015-26 Announcement from Renxin Association.

We are honored to announce the nomination of Mr.Hao Yan who is the Chinese business leader in Japan, as our advisor.

Mr. Yan Hao, Chairman of Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Japan (CCCJ), and Chairman and CEO of EPS Holdings, Inc., EPS Inc., founded and operated under his leadership, has been widely recognized, even in the overseas healthcare industry, as a forerunner of CRO (Contract Research Organization) in Japan. On July 2001, EPS became the first CRO company to be listed in JASDAQ. In 2004, it succeeded in forging its way into the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange while in 2006 further entered the First Section of the security market, ranking among the most renowned companies in Japan. Today, EPS as a holding company has about 4,000 employees, more than 30 subsidiaries and offices located in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the Philippines, the USA, mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The company’s businesses expand to new drug development, design and management of clinical experiments, statistical analysis of clinical data, talent dispatch, development of IT software, among others.

Mr. Yan Hao has a very high prestige in the medical service industry in China and Japan and keen on public interests. He has made great efforts to improve the cooperation and economic exchanges between the two countries for many years. As a NPO registered in Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Culture, RenXin Association is determined to contribute to mission of improving public welfare with enormous enthusiasm. Although a solid foundation has been established, there is still a long way for us to go. By inviting Mr. Hao Yan as our advisor, it will enhance the social reputation of RenXin Association, meanwhile facilitate the electronic publications and the international medical activities of our association. We are fully confident that RenXing Association will be established as a reliable nonprofit medical organization between China and Japan.

RenXin Association


