Congratulations to Renxin

Tetsuya Asakawa M.D., Ph.D.

As a formal member of Renxin association, I am so pleasure to hear about that Renxin association has passed the examination, and has been accepted as a NPO in Japan. I just want to congratulate Renxin association for this good news.

I have been a member of Renxin association for 8 months. Thanks to all the members of Renxin association, as well as the members in the chatting group, for having accompanied me with every lonely day and night. Indeed, I am enjoying the experience of communicating with the specialists from different research fields. No need for reticence, chatting in the Renxin association has been a very important part of my life. The efforts of the administration committee are therefore highly appreciated.

Since Renxin association is an academic NPO engaging in the international communication/cooperation mainly between China and Japan. We believe it will have an even bright future as a NPO crossing China and Japan. Many significant jobs, such as promotion of constructive communications among the medical specialists from all over the world, improving the appropriate application of medical resource between Japan and China, etc., can be expected. We are looking forward to further development of Renxin association anyway.