張翠萍氏が顧問第一号に就任 |Ms. Cuiping Zhang was Nominated as Chief Advisor|荣聘张翠萍律师敝会首位顾问


張翠萍氏が仁心会顧問第一号に就任いたしました。 任期は2年となります。

張翠萍氏は西村あさひ法律事務所のパートナー弁護士であり、日本の四大法律事務所で初めて、かつ、唯一の中国籍パートナー弁護士でもあります。2012年から二年間、張翠萍氏はChambers Global に The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business に選ばれ、また、2015年6月に、合併や買収、破産、労働法および不動産開発の4つの専門分野において、Best Lawyersに選ばれました。張氏は日本のみならず世界の法曹界で卓越した成績を収め、厚い信頼を集められています。

張翠萍弁護士には今後仁心会の顧問弁護士として、法律上の支援をいただきます。 仁心会は日中間の医療交流を促進し、信頼できる第三者の非営利組織を目指して努力してまいります。皆様方のご支援ご鞭撻を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。

No. 2015-23 Announcement from Renxin Association.

We are honored to announce the nomination of Ms. Cuiping Zhang as our chief advisor. Ms. Zhang has been recognized of her distinguished professional achievement, including her role as an expert on foreign law, registered Chinese lawyer, and a partner of Nishimura & Asahi law firm, Tokyo, Japan.

She is the first and only Chinese partner in the four biggest law firms in Japan. She was awarded the Global Leading Lawyer in M&A by the Chambers Global – The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business in 2012 and 2013. And she was ranked among the best lawyers in the fields of M&A, bankruptcy reorganization, labor affairs and real estate according to –the Best Lawyer in 2015.

In the beginning of Renxin’s foundation, Ms. Zhang gave us much suggestion, also asked “Develop step by step; Progress with every solid step”. Ms. Zhang will be taking up her appointment on July 1st, 2015. With her support in the aspect of consulting law, and that of members like her, we believe Renxin Association will develop towards reliable non-profitable organization to advance China-Japan medical communication. Renxin Association July 1st, 2015


『仁心会』公告-第2015-23号 本会有幸聘请张翠萍律师为本会首位顾问,聘期两年。

张律师现为日本西村朝日律师事务所外国法合伙人、外国法事务律师(中国法)和注册中国律师,在中日法律界享有盛誉,2012年和2013年连续被“Chambers Global – The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business”评选为公司和并购领域的全球杰出律师,2015年被Best Lawyers评选为公司和并购、破产重组、劳动法务及房地产开发等四个专业领域的最佳律师;是日本四大律所中首位也是目前唯一一位中国籍合伙人。


